Millennial Design

Millennial Design is an independent exhibition unit within the furniture and interior design fair for hotels and tourist facilities. Design District Fair is being held in the old tobacco factory in Rovinj for the second time, in an impressive industrial environment of the former production halls, which gives this manifestation a special atmosphere. Last year, more than 7500 professional visitors visited the fair: architects, interior designers, hoteliers and investors. Almost 90 % of the last-years exhibitors confirmed their participation in the exhibition this year, which best shows the quality of the event, defined by the organizer as not just a fair, but a place of communication, interaction, new business opportunities and socializing which helps create new acquaintances and business affairs.

Millennial Design invites young designers, their educational institutions, schools and universities to become exhibitors, and contribute to the atmosphere of the fair with fresh ideas and innovative products. The organizer provides a free exhibition space and is available in case the exhibitors need any assistance in arranging the exhibition space.

So far, the size of the exhibition space is not limited, and after the application deadline expires, in agreement with the applicants, a visual of the Millennial Design will be created with the confirmed exhibitors and their exhibition spaces.

Exhibition of Young Designers
Breakfast with millennials, every day
Best “Millennium Design” – award ceremony
“And where’s the design?” conference